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Posté par Purpose Investments en oct. 24ème, 2019

And the Winner Is! Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund Wins for Best Returns at the 2019 Canadian Hedge Fund Awards for Second Year in a Row

Purpose Investments Inc. (“Purpose”), is thrilled to announce the recognition of Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund at the 2019 Canadian  Hedge Fund Awards, held October 22 at a gala dinner in downtown Toronto. The award is judged strictly on five-year performance, from June 2014  through June 2019.

Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund (“the Fund”) won for Best 5 Year Return in the Credit Focused category. The Fund is actively managed by  Purpose’s award-winning partner Sandy Liang, who leads credit strategies and fixed income for Purpose Investments.

Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund posted an annualized return over the judging period of 9%, well ahead of the 4.27% annualized return of the HFRI Credit Index. The Fund was launched in 2013 and combines  active, bottom-up credit research with risk management through the use of various hedging tools to generate income while reducing volatility  without the use of leverage.

“This well-deserved accolade belongs to the credit investment team at Purpose, the hard work they put into developing the fund and its clear success and longevity. It shows that our research-driven process works, from idea generation all the way to investment execution and risk management,” said Liang. “We’ve always believed that to be an effective credit investor you have to think like a lender. That’s exactly what we do with Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund and this award helps prove it. We’re looking forward to continuing to meet our clients’ return objectives for another five years and beyond.”

“What Sandy and his team have been able to do with Purpose Credit Opportunities Fund is really admirable,” said Som Seif, CEO and Founder of Purpose Investments. “Winning a Canadian Hedge Fund Award for a second consecutive year speaks to his talent as a credit manager. I’m incredibly proud of him and the entire credit investment team. I’m excited that this award-winning fund is now available to all investors through a prospectus-based mutual fund.”

The Fund was the recipient of the Canadian Hedge Fund Award for Best 1 Year Return in the Credit Focus Category in 2018. It is now available for all investors through a prospectus-based mutual fund in Series A  (PFC4803) and Series F (PFC4804) through FundServ.

About the Annual Canadian Hedge Fund Awards

The Annual Canadian Hedge Fund Awards were first held in 2008 and have a two-fold objective. First, the awards celebrate the talent and accomplishments of Canada’s hedge fund industry, and second, they draw attention to Canada’s hedge funds by raising the awareness of that expertise in the media and among the wider investment community.

About Purpose Investments

Purpose Investments is an asset management company with more than $8-billion under management. Purpose Investments has an unrelenting  focus on client-centric innovation, and offers a range of managed and  quantitative investment products. Purpose Investments is led by  well-known entrepreneur Som Seif and is a division of Purpose Financial,  an independent technology-driven financial services company.

For further information please contact:

Matt Padanyi

Purpose Investments Inc.
Tel: (877) 789-1517

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and  expenses all may be associated with investment fund investments. Please  read the prospectus and other disclosure documents before investing.  Investment funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance  Corporation or any other government deposit insurer. There can be no  assurance that the full amount of your investment in a fund will be  returned to you. If the securities are purchased or sold on a stock  exchange, you may pay more or receive less than the current net asset  value. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change  frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

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